The top 4 questions to ask an auto collision repair centre

Posted February 15, 2022 by glossmin

There are usually two things that people worry about in the aftermath of a car accident – making sure that all their wounds have healed well enough for them to get back to life as usual and secondly, getting their car repaired as quickly as possible. However, in this regard, it is all the more important that you do not end up being careless by making a hasty decision and taking it to the auto shop as quickly as possible.

Sure, that decision will have to be made somewhere down the line, but whether you are dealing with the most top-notch panel beaters in Melbourne or the most recommended Melbourne collision repair centre, there are a few things that you need to know first. For all those of you who are still wondering, here are the top five questions to ask an auto collision repair centre:-

  • Delving more into the details of the auto repair shop: A word-of-mouth recommendation or a trusted online review would be ideal places to start. All kinds of ratings, customer feedback and reviews will be thoroughly informative for you regarding finding out the repair updates online itself, the arrangement of a rental car or receiving email and text updates about the repair status.
  • The duration of the repair job: This is the first question that pops into the minds of most people, but unfortunately, there is really no proper answer for this since every single case is subjective and different in itself. Some of the main factors that affect the duration include any holidays at that time, the extent of damage done to your car as well as how busy the auto shop in question is.
  • Whether your car is covered during the maintenance period: This is a question that you will need to ask the service – whether they will carry theft and fire insurance. After all, everyone would ideally love to make sure that they’re covered in case anything bad happens to their car, get it getting stolen, damaged and even destroyed, in a worst case scenario. If the repair time is lengthy, this question is all the more necessary.
  • When can you wash your car next?: In a lot of cases, the service will certainly return the car back to you only after it has been cleaned. In spite of this, one needs to ask them this question as a lot of services out there use friction brushing and concentrated car soap that might not be safe for your freshly painted car just yet.

Finally, one needs to ensure that none of their time and money is spent in vain and for that, you will need to carve out a certain amount of time to do a thorough level of research to get the quality service that you deserve. This also involves talking to your friends and people who know about car repair services as well as word-of-mouth recommendations. Always remember that even though it may take quite a bit of effort on your part initially, it will be more than worth it in the end.

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